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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Musical notes

Hello all, 

This is just a zoom zoom blog-(it's yellow like lightning) to say what song has cheered me up- not that you take a particular interest. 
It has been a less than easy week, I think that social life and studies have been getting to everyone. 
GCSE's are draining me of all enthusiasm, valentines day is nearing and the boys and girls of north london are secretly waxing, plucking and preparing themselves for the big day. 
So to end my quick little hello- 

Click on this link- New song

Obvs a future hit.

Enjoy your weekends. 


Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Afternoon all- 

The school I go to is filled with interesting tales, and this week- Another scandel has surfaced. 

Graffiti girl strikes again. 

While some people like to go to the toilets and innocently enjoy a calm piss, one girl dares to do much more.
Looking up in our school toilets is like looking up into the mind of a twisted young girl. 

"If I got the chance I would fuck his brains out!"


"What do I want for Christmas?
1. A bratz doll
2. A dick
3. A butterfly penknife."
Seriously! Keep these thoughts to yourself! If you want a bratz doll buy one, want a dick? Purchase a dildo-Because seriously-keep your horny thoughts to yourself.
Want a butterfly penknife? I don't know what that is but I'm sure you can find a solution. 

-The scene of the crime. The school toilets. 
Sorry about the seathrough face btw

I personally am thinking this act of extreme inpoliteness has been caused by a rebellious year 7 who just couldn't resist the temptation of screwing with our school a little bit more.
Earlier last week, the year 7's produced a "burn book" -like, lets be honest. None of the year 7's even compare to the Mean Girls, who do they think they are!
The book was filled with pornographic drawings, and commentation about every girl in the year; Someone was even called:

Year 7's as much as you entertain us and have recently turned out to be our daily conversation topic, 
  1. Keep your thoughts to yourself
  2. Stop trying to act like we live in Hollywood and that you're in anyway cool
  3. Scrape out


Saturday, 22 January 2011


Good-afternoon all, 
I just thought that I would brief everyone a little more about me,
Here's a picture of me and the mother- Lynn. 

A typical family photo in our household,
Mother shouting and screaming how she looks pregnant in the dress, me just eager for the photo to be taken, and my auntie trying to work out how to turn on flash.

The cup may have just been an alien before, but now- I think it resembles him- "to the T"
The bushy eyebrows, green eyes, messy stubble, strands of hair flying around-
This is my dad.
Last but not least a picture of me.

Friday, 21 January 2011

The beginning

I'm Sabrina Jones
I am fourteen years of age and yes, it's fun being me. Everyday i'm tormented by my family for almost everything-
Looking Chinese, Having mens legs, Looking Phillipino, Looking like an Eskamo, Having a head "like an ant"

And many more small and pleasant stories like the above.

My blog is not about fashion- Although I may mention it time to time, My blog is about my funny funny life, you may not agree but you can always just go away.

Why not follow? You know you're slightly interested ;)