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Saturday, 5 February 2011

Cats and Korean babies

Good-night all


A blog is meant to be about your life yeah?
About the good things, what interests you, how you feel, what you like, what you've been doing.

What about the bad times? What do you say then? 
All the bad things happening right now-
  1. I have a rash on my chin that looks like a miniscule hickey
  2. I forgot my taekwondo kit at school
  3. The one cool top I have that says "A is for animals" has to be returned to my friend
  4. Cupid is slitting my wrists with his arrow as I wait for the fatal valentines day to arrive
  5. I saw someone with a Clef Chin today. Clef chins piss me off- Sorry if you have one but get away.
The only thing making me happy right now is these pictures,

I can't help but laugh! Look at this ogre! 

My regards to Abi Nkrumah who referred to herself in this photo as a "friggin' elaphant" 

The fact I went bungee jumping in brent cross and I got a big crowd rooting me on that has hyped me up quite a lot-

Although I have a large feeling that was to do with the fact I had a large rip on my butt- not literally on but yeah- from where my leggings had split. Or the fact that the crowd was mostly, purely made up of my friends.

 I highly recommend going even though it's a trek- The weight limit is 15 stone so unless you're that weight- Unlucky if you are, but still, go. 

And last but not least this video-

If this doesn't make you smile there is something wrong with you- I mean just the title! 

"Korean Baby singing Hey Jude"- Hahahahahhahahhahahahahah

Another one of those is this one-

Oh my those facial expressions- he's a natural born singer but seriously, 

What is my thing with asian baby singers?

Sorry I've been such a biatch today but i'm so S-A-T-A-RESSED.
By monday I have to write a poem about being a cat in a warehouse for my house drama production. 

Any ideas please help me- I need them- All I have so far is, 

"I am a cat,
Not to be racist or anything,
But I'm black"

Firstly I wouldn't have been racist in the first place, and secondly it's not even funny!

 Oh well, feel free to pitch in any ideas,

Oh. My. Meow.


1 comment:

  1. I have a slight clef chin...thats all I have to say...LOL
